My Pastor, Joseph Thompson, shared an article with me today that caused me to stop and go into a time of prayer for our churches and those who lead them. I feel led to share it with all of you and ask you to join me in these prayers.
There has been no shortage of church scandals flowing through the news over the years. In fact, we were informed of another one very close to home just days ago, which ended in tragedy.
While I agree with the writer of the article and have seen some of this up close, I will borrow the comment that Pastor Joseph said to me when he sent this article my way, because I firmly believe it also. Here's what he said, "there are still a few good ones doing the right thing and who are reliant on and trusting in the Spirit of God to lead them and grow their work" . Seek out those leaders and use discernment. When it becomes more about the lead guy and the brand than it is about Jesus, it might be time to seek what God has next for you.
I would say this in closing don't "throw away the baby with the bathwater", as they say. The church is not the problem, the broken leaders inside a broken system are. One thing God recently convicted us of is to "be" the church instead of "going to" or "doing" church.
Don't give these broken leaders and broken systems so much authority over your personal faith. Instead, "be" the church and start with living out your faith in your marriage, with your family, for your neighbors, with your friends and your co-workers and the cashier at the store and so on......
I am so grateful for this community of believers that God has built here and give full permission to all of you to raise your hand if you ever feel like we are in danger of honoring anything above Jesus.
Why the ECFA’s New Standard Won’t Stop Future Scandals, But You Can
By Julie Roys